Prebuilt container image

If you want to get a quick feel for what PGmacs can do before installing it, you can try out our prebuilt Podman/Docker container image and run PGmacs in terminal mode. It includes Emacs, PGmacs and the necessary dependencies preinstalled.

You will need either Podman (free software that’s available for Linux, Microsoft Windows and MacOS) or Docker installed.

podman run --network host -ti

Container size

The container image is based on a lightweight Alpine Linux image. It’s built for the following platforms:

  • Linux/AMD64
  • Linux/Aarch64 (64-bit ARM)
  • Linux/armv7 (32-bit ARM)
  • Linux/riscv64

We rebuild the container image on each new PGmacs release.

Note that you need to run the container with --network host or a similar commandline option that allows network access to the PostgreSQL database.