
License: GPL v3 MELPA test-pgv16

This Emacs Lisp library lets you access the PostgreSQL 🐘 database from Emacs, using its network-level frontend/backend protocol. The library is capable of automatic type coercions from a range of SQL types to and from the equivalent Emacs Lisp type.

This libary will be useful for developers, rather than end users. If you’re looking for an Emacs-based browser/editor for PostgreSQL, you may be interested in PGmacs, which uses this library to communicate with PostgreSQL or a compatible database.

Supported features

  • SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication (the default method since PostgreSQL version 14) as well as MD5 and password authentication.

  • Encrypted (TLS) connections between Emacs and the PostgreSQL backend. This includes support for client certificates.

  • Prepared statements using PostgreSQL’s extended query message flow, that allows for parameterized queries to protect from SQL injection issues.

  • The PostgreSQL COPY protocol to copy preformatted data to PostgreSQL from an Emacs buffer.

  • Asynchronous handling of LISTEN/NOTIFY notification messages from PostgreSQL, allowing the implementation of publish-subscribe type architectures (PostgreSQL as an “event broker” or “message bus” and Emacs as event publisher and consumer).

  • Parsing various PostgreSQL types including integers, floats, array types, numerical ranges, JSON and JSONB objects into their native Emacs Lisp equivalents. The parsing support is user-extensible. Support for the HSTORE, pgvector and PostGIS extensions.

  • Connections over TCP or (on Unix machines) a local Unix socket.

The code has been tested with PostgreSQL versions 17.4, 16.3, 15.4, 13.8, 11.17, and 10.22 on Linux. It is also tested via GitHub actions on MacOS and Microsoft Windows. This library also works, to a variable extent, against other databases that implement the PostgreSQL wire protocol:

  • Neon “serverless PostgreSQL” works perfectly.

  • ParadeDB version 0.9.1 works perfectly (it’s really a PostgreSQL extension rather than a distinct database implementation).

  • IvorySQL version 3.4 works perfectly (this fork of PostgreSQL adds some features for compatibility with Oracle).

  • The CitusDB extension for sharding PostgreSQL over multiple hosts works perfectly (last tested with Citus version 12.1.5, which is based on PostgreSQL 16.6).

  • The Microsoft DocumentDB extension for MongoDB-like queries works perfectly (last tested 2025-02 with version 16.6). Note that this is not the same product as Amazon DocumentDB.

  • The Hydra Columnar extension for column-oriented storage and parallel queries works perfectly (last tested 2025-02).

  • The Timescale DB extension for time series data works perfectly (tested with version 2.16.1).

  • The PgBouncer connection pooler for PostgreSQL works fine (tested with version 1.23 in the default session pooling mode).

  • Google AlloyDB Omni is a proprietary fork of PostgreSQL with Google-developed extensions, including a columnar storage extension, adaptive autovacuum, and an index advisor. It works perfectly with pg-el as of 2025-01.

  • ParadeDB: This ElasticSearch alternative is very PostgreSQL-compatible (more of an extension than a reimplementation). Tested with the Dockerhub instance which is based on PostgreSQL 16.3. All tests pass.

  • Xata “serverless PostgreSQL” has many limitations including lack of support for CREATE DATABASE, CREATE COLLATION, for XML processing, for temporary tables, for cursors, for EXPLAIN, for CREATE EXTENSION, for functions such as pg_notify.

  • YugabyteDB: tested against version 2.23. This database uses a lot of code from PostgreSQL 11 and is quite compatible, including with the HSTORE and pgvector extensions. However, some system tables differ from PostgreSQL, such as the pg_sequences table. It does not support the XML type. It does not support LISTEN/NOTIFY.

  • The RisingWave event streaming database is mostly working. It does not support GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY columns. Last tested 2025-02 with v2.1.2.

  • CrateDB: last tested 2025-02 with version 5.9.9. There are limitations in this database’s emulation of the PostgreSQL system tables: for example, it’s not possible to query the owner of a table (function pg-table-owner). It doesn’t accept SQL statements that only include an SQL comment. It doesn’t support setting comments on SQL tables. As documented, CrateDB does not support the TIME type without a time zone. It doesn’t support casting integers to bits. It doesn’t support the VARBIT type. It has no support for the COPY protocol.

  • CockroachDB: tested with CockroachDB CCL v24.3. Note that this database does not implement the large object functionality, and its interpretation of SQL occasionally differs from that of PostgreSQL. It is currently reporting an internal error when we call pg-table-comment.

  • QuestDB: tested against version 6.5.4. This is not very PostgreSQL-compatible: it fails on the SQL query SELECT 1::integer because it doesn’t recognize integer as a type. It doesn’t support DELETE statements.

  • Google Spanner: tested with the Spanner emulator (that reports itself as PostgreSQL 14.1) and the PGAdapter library that enables support for the PostgreSQL wire protocol. Spanner has very limited PostgreSQL compatibility, for example refusing to create tables that do not have a primary key. It does not recognize basic PostgreSQL types such as INT2. It also does not for example support the CHR and MD5 functions, row expressions, and WHERE clauses without a FROM clause.

  • YDB by Yandex last tested with version 23-4. Has very limited PostgreSQL compatibility. For example, an empty query string leads to a hung connection, and the bit type is returned as a string with the wrong oid.

  • The Materialize operational database (a proprietary differential dataflow database) has many limitations in its PostgreSQL compatibility: no support for primary keys, unique constraints, check constraints, for the bit type for example. It works with these limitations with pg-el (last tested 2025-02 with Materialize v0.133).

  • ClickHouse doesn’t work with pg-el. Their version 24.5 has a very basic implementation of the PostgreSQL wire protocol. It doesn’t support the pg_type system table which provides information on the OIDs associated with different PostgreSQL types. All values are returned in textual format using the pseudo-OID of 0, which means the client must parse the value. The database immediately closes the connection on any SQL error. It doesn’t support configuration statements such as SET datestyle. It doesn’t specify a server_name in the startup sequence, which might allow us to detect this special case and restrict functionality to the most basic aspects.

  • GreptimeDB version 0.9.5 implements quite a lot of the PostgreSQL wire protocol, but the names it uses for types in the pg_catalog.pg_types table are not the same as those used by PostgreSQL (e.g. Int64 instead of int8), so our parsing machinery does not work.

  • Untested but likely to work: Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Amazon Auroa. You may however encounter difficulties with TLS connections, as noted above.

The generic function pg-do-variant-specific-setup allows you to specify setup operations to run for a particular semi-compatible PostgreSQL variant. You can specialize it on the symbol name of the variant, currently one of postgresql, alloydb, cratedb, cockroachdb, yugabyte, questdb, greptimedb, risingwave, immudb, timescaledb, ydb, orioledb, xata, spanner, ivorydb. As an example, the following specializer is already defined to run for AlloyDB variants:

;; Register the OIDs associated with these OmniDB-specific types, so that their types appear in
;; column metadata listings.
(cl-defmethod pg-do-variant-specific-setup ((con pgcon) (_variant (eql 'alloydb)))
  (message "pg-el: running variant-specific setup for AlloyDB Omni")
  ;; These type names are in the google_ml schema
  (pg-register-parser "model_family_type" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "model_family_info" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "model_provider" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "model_type" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "auth_type" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "auth_info" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "models" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-initialize-parsers con))

Tested with Emacs versions 30-pre-release, 29.4, 28.2, 27.2 and 26.3. Emacs versions older than 26.1 will not work against a recent PostgreSQL version (whose default configuration requires SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication), because they don’t include the GnuTLS support which we use to calculate HMACs. They may however work against a database set up to allow unauthenticated local connections. Emacs versions before 28.1 will not support the extended query protocol, because the bindat package is required. We mostly test with Emacs on Linux, but the library also works fine on Microsoft Windows and MacOS.

You may be interested in an alternative library emacs-libpq that enables access to PostgreSQL from Emacs by binding to the libpq library.


pg-el is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 or later.


You can install via the MELPA package archive, or with package-vc-install, or with use-package.

Installing via MELPA

Install via the MELPA package archive by including the following in your Emacs initialization file (.emacs.el or init.el):

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)

then saying

 M-x package-install RET pg

Installing with package-vc-install

With Emacs 29, you can install the library from the latest Github revision (this requires git to be installed) using:

 (unless (package-installed-p 'pg)
    (package-vc-install "" nil nil 'pg))

You can later update to the latest version with M-x package-vc-upgrade RET pg RET.

Installing with use-package

If you prefer to use the use-package macro, which is built in to Emacs 29, you can use (requires git to be installed):

(use-package pg :vc (:url ""))

Quickstart to using pg-el

These illustrative examples assume you have a PostgreSQL user pgeltestuser with password pgeltest who owns a database pgeltestdb. To set that up with a local PostgreSQL database, use commands similar to the following:

Create a test user and database with a local PostgreSQL

sudo -u postgres createuser --createdb pgeltestuser
sudo -u postgres createdb --owner=pgeltestuser pgeltestdb
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# alter user pgeltestuser with encrypted password 'pgeltest';

If you want to enable and test the support for the HSTORE and pgvector extensions, you will need to load them into the test database as PostgreSQL superuser (the normal user pgeltestuser we created above is not allowed to load extensions). The pgvector extension generally needs to be installed separately from PostgreSQL (for example by installing the postgresql-17-pgvector package on Debian).

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION hstore;
postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION vector;

The same applies to the PostGIS extension.

Now, from your preferred Emacs Lisp shell (here M-x ielm), check that you are able to connect to and authenticate with the database from Emacs:

Connect to PostgreSQL from Emacs

ELISP> (require 'pg)
ELISP> (defvar *pg* (pg-connect "pgeltestdb" "pgeltestuser" "pgeltest" "localhost" 5432))

If you don’t already have PostgreSQL installed locally, it may be convenient for you to use PostgreSQL Docker Community images, using Docker or Podman. I recommend installing Podman because it’s fully free software, whereas Docker is partly commercial. Podman is also able to run containers “rootless”, without special privileges, which is good for security, and doesn’t require a background daemon. Podman has a docker-compatible commandline interface.

Start up PostgreSQL inside a Podman container

podman run -d --name pgsql \
   -v /dev/log:/dev/log \
   -v /var/run/postgresql:/var/run/postgresql \
   --publish 5432:5432 \
   -e POSTGRES_DB=pgeltestdb \
   -e POSTGRES_USER=pgeltestuser \
   -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pgeltest \

then connect from Emacs with

ELISP> (pg-connect "pgeltestdb" "pgeltestuser" "pgeltest" "localhost" 5432)

or connect over a local Unix socket

ELISP> (pg-connect-local "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432" "pgeltestdb" "pgeltestuser "pgeltest")

Now some simple interactions with the database:

ELISP> (pg-backend-version *pg*)
"PostgreSQL 16.1 (Debian 16.1-1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 13.2.0-6) 13.2.0, 64-bit"
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 42, 1.23")))
           (pg-result res :tuple 0))
(42 1.23)

Note that the first query has returned an Emacs Lisp string, and the second query has returned a tuple (represented as a list) where the first value is an Emacs Lisp integer, and the second and Emacs Lisp float. The pg-el library has ensured automatic type coercion from the SQL types to the most appropriate Emacs Lisp type.

The following example shows the output from a query that returns multiple rows. It returns a list of tuples, each tuple containing a single integer.

A query that returns multiple rows

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT * FROM generate_series(50,55)")))
          (pg-result res :tuples))

An SQL query that returns no results will return the empty list.

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 3 where 1=0")))
         (pg-result res :tuples))

For more, see the usage information and the API documentation.

Using pg-el

The examples below illustrate various features of pg-el in conjunction with PostgreSQL. A more complete set of examples can be found in our test suite.

The examples all assume that you are using ielm as an Emacs Lisp shell (start with M-x ielm) and that you have a connection to PostgreSQL:

Connect to PostgreSQL from Emacs

ELISP> (require 'cl-lib)
ELISP> (require 'pg)
ELISP> (defvar *pg* (pg-connect "pgeltestdb" "pgeltestuser" "pgeltest" "localhost" 5432))

The library should in principle convert from any obscure Emacs encoding to the UTF-8 supported by PostgreSQL.

Unicode support

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'Ă©tait ' || 'lĂ '")))
         (pg-result res :tuple 0))
("Ă©tait lĂ ")
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "select length('(╯°□°)â•Żïž” ┻━┻')")))
         (pg-result res :tuple 0))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '😎'")))
         (pg-result res :tuple 0))

You can create and delete tables, and query the database metainformation using pg-tables and pg-columns.

Working with tables and DDL

ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE messages(id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, msg TEXT)") :status)
ELISP> (member "messages" (pg-tables *pg*))
ELISP> (member "msg" (pg-columns *pg* "messages"))
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "DROP TABLE messages") :status)
ELISP> (member "messages" (pg-tables *pg*))

The library has support for PostgreSQL’s extended query protocol (prepared statements), which you should use to prevent SQL injection attacks.

Prepared statements and the extended query protocol

ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE count_test(key INTEGER, val INTEGER)") :status)
ELISP> (dotimes (i 100)
         (pg-exec-prepared *pg* "INSERT INTO count_test VALUES($1, $2)"
            `((,i . "int4") (,(* i i) . "int4"))))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT count(*) FROM count_test")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (defvar *multires* (pg-exec-prepared *pg* "SELECT key FROM count_test" nil :max-rows 10))
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :tuples)
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :incomplete)
ELISP> (setq *multires* (pg-fetch *pg* *multires* :max-rows 5))
;; *multires*
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :tuples)
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :incomplete)
ELISP> (setq *multires* (pg-fetch *pg* *multires* :max-rows 100))
;; *multires*
ELISP> (length (pg-result *multires* :tuples))
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :incomplete)

Casting SQL values to a specific type

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT pi()::int4")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 42::text")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '42'::smallint")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
42 (#o52, #x2a, ?*)
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'PT3H4M42S'::interval")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))

Working with boolean vectors

Boolean vectors are only supported in Emacs from version 27 onwards (you can check whether the function make-bool-vector is fboundp).

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '1010'::bit(4)")))
          (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                 (coerce (vector t nil t nil) 'bool-vector)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT b'1001000'")))
          (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                 (coerce (vector t nil nil t nil nil nil) 'bool-vector)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '101111'::varbit(6)")))
          (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                 (coerce (vector t nil t t t t) 'bool-vector)))

Emacs has support for bignums from version 27.2 onwards.

Using bignums

ELISP> (fboundp 'bignump)
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT factorial(25)")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
15511210043330985984000000 (#o6324500606375411017360000000, #xcd4a0619fb0907bc00000)

Special floating point syntax

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'Infinity'::float4")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '-Infinity'::float8")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'NaN'::float8")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))

Numerical ranges

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT int4range(10, 20)")))
         (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
(:range 91 10 41 20)
;; note that 91 is the character ?\[ and 41 is the character ?\)
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT int4range(10, 20)")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (list :range ?\[ 10 ?\) 20)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT int4range(5,15) + int4range(10,20)")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (list :range ?\[ 5 ?\) 20)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT int8range(5,15) * int8range(10,20)")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (list :range ?\[ 10 ?\) 15)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '(3,7)'::int4range")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (list :range ?\[ 4 ?\) 7)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT int8range(1, 14, '(]')")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (list :range ?\[ 2 ?\) 15)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '[4,4)'::int4range")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (list :range)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT numrange(33.33, 66.66)")))
         (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
(:range 91 33.33 41 66.66)
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT upper(numrange(-50.0, -40.0))")))
         (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT numrange(NULL, 2.2)")))
         (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
(:range 40 nil 41 2.2)
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT numrange(NULL, NULL)")))
         (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
(:range 40 nil 41 nil)

Working with binary data

The BYTEA type allows the storage of binary strings, i.e. sequences of octets. They can contain NUL octets (the value zero).

Using the BYTEA type

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '\\xDEADBEEF'::bytea")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (decode-hex-string "DEADBEEF")))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '\\001\\003\\005'::bytea")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (string 1 3 5)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '\\x123456'::bytea || '\\x789a00bcde'::bytea")))
         (equal (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))
                (decode-hex-string "123456789a00bcde")))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'warning\\000'::bytea")))
         (equal (length (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))) 8))

When sending binary data to PostgreSQL, either encode all potentially problematic octets, as we did for NUL above, or send base64-encoded content and decode it in PostgreSQL. There are various other useful functions for working with binary data on PostgreSQL, such as hash functions.

Encoding and decoding binary data

ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE bt(blob BYTEA, tag int)") :status)
ELISP> (let* ((size 512)
              (random-octets (make-string size 0)))
         (dotimes (i size)
           (setf (aref random-octets i) (random 256)))
         (setf (aref random-octets 0) 0)
         (pg-exec-prepared *pg*
            "INSERT INTO bt VALUES (decode($1, 'base64'), 42)"
            `((,(base64-encode-string random-octets) . "text")))
         (equal random-octets (car (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT blob FROM bt WHERE tag=42") :tuple 0))))
ELISP> (let* ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT sha256('foobles'::bytea)"))
              (hx (encode-hex-string (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))))
          (equal hx (secure-hash 'sha256 "foobles")))
ELISP> (let* ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT md5('foobles')"))
              (r (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))))
          (equal r (md5 "foobles")))
ELISP> (let* ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT encode('foobles', 'base64')"))
              (r (car (pg-result res :tuple 0))))
          (equal r (base64-encode-string "foobles")))

PostgreSQL arrays

(To be documented)

Using prepared statements

pg-el has support for PostgreSQL’s extended query protocol (prepared statements), which you should use to prevent SQL injection attacks.

Prepared statements and the extended query protocol

ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE count_test(key INTEGER, val INTEGER)") :status)
ELISP> (dotimes (i 100)
         (pg-exec-prepared *pg* "INSERT INTO count_test VALUES($1, $2)"
            `((,i . "int4") (,(* i i) . "int4"))))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT count(*) FROM count_test")))
          (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (defvar *multires* (pg-exec-prepared *pg* "SELECT key FROM count_test" nil :max-rows 10))
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :tuples)
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :incomplete)
ELISP> (setq *multires* (pg-fetch *pg* *multires* :max-rows 5))
;; *multires*
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :tuples)
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :incomplete)
ELISP> (setq *multires* (pg-fetch *pg* *multires* :max-rows 100))
;; *multires*
ELISP> (length (pg-result *multires* :tuples))
ELISP> (pg-result *multires* :incomplete)

If your application will use the same prepared statement multiple times, you can ask PostgreSQL to parse/analyze the SQL query and bind parameters once, then use the prepared statement with different variable values multiple times. This will improve performance by avoiding the overhead of reparsing and reoptimizing a query plan multiple times.

Fetching from a previously prepared statement

The example function below (which comes from the PGmacs browsing/editing interface for PostgreSQL) illustrates the use of the utility function pg-ensure-prepared-statement, which either retrieves the cached prepared statement if the function has already been called (pg-el maintains a per-connection cache of prepared statements), or prepares the statement given the SQL and the argument types if the function has not yet been called in this PostgreSQL connection. The prepared statement is executed using pg-fetch-prepared, which functions in a similar way to function pg-fetch.

(defun pgmacs--table-primary-keys (con table)
  "Return the columns active as PRIMARY KEY in TABLE.
Uses PostgreSQL connection CON."
  (let* ((schema (if (pg-qualified-name-p table)
                     (pg-qualified-name-schema table)
         (tname (if (pg-qualified-name-p table)
                    (pg-qualified-name-name table)
         (sql "SELECT a.attname
               FROM pg_catalog.pg_index idx
               JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON c.oid = idx.indrelid
               JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = c.oid AND a.attnum = ANY(idx.indkey)
               JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
               WHERE relname = $1 AND nspname = $2 AND indisprimary")
         (argument-types (list "text" "text"))
         (params `((,tname . "text") (,schema . "text")))
         (ps-name (pg-ensure-prepared-statement con "QRY-tbl-primary-keys" sql argument-types))
         (res (pg-fetch-prepared con ps-name params)))
    (mapcar #'cl-first (pg-result res :tuples))))

JSON and JSONB values

PostgreSQL has quite a lot of support for storing, saving and processing JSON and JSONB data. pg-el is able to deserialize JSON and JSONB values into Emacs Lisp structures such as hashtables (for dicts), arrays, numbers, strings and so on.

This library will parse and represent JSON/JSONB data either using the JSON support built into Emacs with libjansson (see function json-available-p, from version 28.1), or using the json.el library. There are some differences in the ways these methods handle dictionaries and specific values such as NULL, false, [] and {}. Our examples below use the builtin JSON support in Emacs.

Retrieving and manipulating JSON data

ELISP> (defun scalar (sql) (car (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* sql) :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (let ((json (scalar "SELECT '[5,7]'::json")))
         (aref json 0))
5 (#o5, #x5, ?\C-e)
ELISP> (let ((json (scalar "SELECT '[42.0,77.7]'::jsonb")))
         (aref json 1))
ELISP> (scalar "SELECT '[]'::json")
ELISP> (scalar "SELECT '{}'::json")
#<hash-table equal 0/1 0x1586e6cc2813>
ELISP> (let ((json (scalar "SELECT '{\"a\": 42, \"b\": \"foo\"}'::json")))
         (gethash "b" json))
ELISP> (let ((json (scalar "SELECT '{\"a\": [0,1,2,null]}'::json")))
         (gethash "a" json))
[0 1 2 :null]

pg-el can also serialize Emacs Lisp structures into the PostgreSQL JSON format, for use in prepared statements.

Serializing objects to JSON / JSONB

ELISP> (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
         (puthash "biz" 45 ht)
         (puthash "boz" -5.5 ht)
         (puthash "comment" "good stuff" ht)
         (pg-result (pg-exec-prepared *pg* "SELECT $1->'boz'" `((,ht . "json"))) :tuple 0))
ELISP> (let ((ht (make-hash-table)))
         (puthash "biz" 45 ht)
         (puthash "boz" -5.5 ht)
         (puthash "comment" "good stuff" ht)
         ;; the '-' jsonb operator deletes a matching key/value mapping
         (let* ((res (pg-exec-prepared *pg* "SELECT $1 - 'boz'" `((,ht . "jsonb"))))
                (row (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
           (gethash "comment" (cl-first row) )))
"good stuff"

Support for the JSON path language (jsonpath type)

pg-el serializes and deserializes JSONPATH expressions as strings, as illustrated below. You can use them as arguments to prepared statements.

Serializing and deserializing JSON path expressions

ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'true'::jsonpath") :tuple 0)
(list "true")
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT '$[*] ? (@ < 1 || @ > 5)'::jsonpath") :tuple 0)
(list "$[*]?(@ < 1 || @ > 5)")
ELISP> (let* ((sql "SELECT jsonb_path_query($1, $2)")
              (dict (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
              (_ (puthash "h" 5.6 dict))
              (params `((,dict . "jsonb") ("$.h.floor()" . "jsonpath")))
              (res (pg-exec-prepared con sql params))
              (row (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
          (cl-first row))

The HSTORE key-value type

There is support for the PostgreSQL HSTORE extension, which can store key/value pairs in a single PostgreSQL column. It’s necessary to call pg-hstore-setup before using this functionality, to load the extension if necessary and to set up our parser support for the HSTORE type.

Using HSTORE values

ELISP> (pg-hstore-setup *pg*)
ELISP> (defvar *hs* (car (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'foo=>bar'::hstore") :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (gethash "foo" *hs*)
ELISP> (hash-table-count *hs*)
1 (#o1, #x1, ?\C-a)
;; There is no guarantee as to the value stored for the 'a' key (duplicate)
ELISP> (setq *hs* (car (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'a=>1,foobles=>2,a=>66'::hstore") :tuple 0)))
#<hash-table equal 2/65 0x1574257479d9>
ELISP> (hash-table-count *hs*)
2 (#o2, #x2, ?\C-b)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT akeys('biz=>NULL,baz=>42,boz=>66'::hstore)") :tuple 0)
(["baz" "biz" "boz"])

Serialization support for HSTORE values

ELISP> (pg-hstore-setup *pg*)
ELISP> (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
        (puthash "biz" "baz" ht)
        (puthash "foo" "bar" ht)
        (puthash "more" "than" ht)
        (let* ((res (pg-exec-prepared con "SELECT $1 ? 'foo'" `((,ht . "hstore"))))
            (pg-result res :tuple 0))))

Data types used by the PostGIS extension

There is deserialization support (and trivial serialization) support for the data types used by the PostGIS extension. It’s necessary to require the pg-gis library and to call pg-setup-postgis before using this functionality, to load the extension if necessary and to set up our deserialization support for the types used by PostGIS (in particular, the geometry and geography types).

(require 'pg-gis)
(pg-setup-postgis *pg*)

PostGIS sends values over the wire in HEXEWKB format (Extended Well-Known Binary encoded in hexademical), such as 01010000200400000000000000000000000000000000000000 which represents the well-known text (WKT) POINT (0 0).

If the variable pg-gis-use-geosop is non-nil, we parse this format using the geosop commandline utility function from GEOS (often available in packages named geos-bin or similar). Otherwise, we leave it as a string (it can be parsed using PostGIS functions such as ST_AsText).

sudo apt install geos-bin

Using PostGIS datatypes

ELISP> (require 'pg-gis)
ELISP> (pg-setup-postgis *pg*)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'POINT(4 5)'::geometry") :tuple 0)
("POINT (4 5)")
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT Box2D(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(1 2, 3 4, 5 6)'))") :tuple 0)
("BOX(1 2,5 6)")
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'MULTILINESTRING((-118.584 38.374 20,-118.583 38.5 30),(-71.05957 42.3589 75, -71.061 43 90))'::geometry") :tuple 0)
("MULTILINESTRING Z ((-118.584 38.374 20, -118.583 38.5 30), (-71.05957 42.3589 75, -71.061 43 90))")
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'SPHEROID[\"GRS_1980\",6378137,298.2572]'::spheroid") :tuple 0)


Case support in PostgreSQL (lower() and upper() functions) depend on the current collation rules. A table has a default collation which is specified at creation (with a default). To remove the dependency on the table’s collation, you can specify the desired collation explicitly.

Note that PostgreSQL can be compiled with or without support for libicu, as a complement to the collation support in your libc.

Using different collation rules

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT lower('FÔÖÉ' COLLATE \"fr_FR\")")))
         (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT lower('FĂ”đŸ˜đŸ’„bz' COLLATE \"fr_FR\")")))
         (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE COLLATION IF NOT EXISTS \"french\" (provider = icu, locale = 'fr_FR')") :status)
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT lower('FÔÖÉ' COLLATE \"french\")")))
         (car (pg-result res :tuple 0)))

The COPY protocol

The COPY protocol can be used to send and receive large amounts of data to/from PostgreSQL. It can be used with CSV or TSV data.

From Emacs to PostgreSQL

The pg-el library allows you to COPY from an Emacs buffer into PostgreSQL using function pg-copy-from-buffer, as illustrated below.

Inserting tab-separated data

ELISP> (defun ascii (n) (+ ?A (mod n 26)))
ELISP> (defun random-word () 
          (apply #'string (cl-loop for count to 10 collect (+ ?a (random 26)))))
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE copy_tsv(a INTEGER, b CHAR, c TEXT)") :status)
ELISP> (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *pg-copy-temp-tsv*")))
         (with-current-buffer buf
           (dotimes (i 42)
             (insert (format "%d\t%c\t%s\n" i (ascii i) (random-word)))))
         (pg-result (pg-copy-from-buffer *pg* "COPY copy_tsv(a,b,c) FROM STDIN" buf) :status))
"COPY 84"
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM copy_tsv") :tuple 0)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT * FROM copy_tsv LIMIT 5") :tuples)
((0 "A" "ufyhdnkoyfi")
 (1 "B" "jpnlxbftdpm")
 (2 "C" "lqvazrhesdg")
 (3 "D" "epxkjdsfdpg")
 (4 "E" "yjhgdwjzbvt"))

Inserting comma-separated data (CSV)

The use of CSV formatted data is very similar; you simply need to specify WITH (FORMAT CSV) in the COPY statement.

ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE copy_csv (a INT2, b INTEGER, c CHAR, d TEXT)") :status)
ELISP> (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *pg-copy-temp-csv*")))
         (with-current-buffer buf
           (dotimes (i 1000)
             (insert (format "%d,%d,%c,%s\n" i (* i i) (ascii i) (random-word)))))
         (pg-result (pg-copy-from-buffer *pg* "COPY copy_csv(a,b,c,d) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV)" buf) :status))
"COPY 1000"
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT * FROM copy_csv LIMIT 3") :tuples)
((0 0 "A" "ajoskqunbrx")
 (1 1 "B" "pzmoyefgywu")
 (2 4 "C" "blylbnhnrdb"))

From PostgreSQL to Emacs

You can copy from PostgreSQL into an Emacs buffer using the function pg-copy-to-buffer, as illustrated below.

Dumping a PostgreSQL table into an Emacs buffer as CSV

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-copy-to-buffer *pg* "COPY copy_csv TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER TRUE)"
                                     (get-buffer-create "*pg-csv*"))))
          (pg-result res :status))
"COPY 1000"

The following more verbose example illustrates fetching CSV data from an online source, importing it into PostgreSQL, removing some unneeded columns and querying the data.

Fetching and querying online CSV datasets

ELISP> (with-temp-buffer
         (url-insert-file-contents "")
         (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE cities(
              insee_code TEXT NOT NULL,
              city_code TEXT,
              zip_code NUMERIC,
              label TEXT NOT NULL,
              latitude FLOAT,
              longitude FLOAT,
              department_name TEXT,
              department_number VARCHAR(3),
              region_name TEXT,
              region_geojson_name TEXT)")
         (pg-result (pg-copy-from-buffer *pg* "COPY cities FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', HEADER TRUE)"
                                 (current-buffer)) :status))
"COPY 39145"
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "ALTER TABLE cities DROP COLUMN region_name") :status)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "ALTER TABLE cities DROP COLUMN region_geojson_name") :status)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "ALTER TABLE cities DROP COLUMN label") :status)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT * FROM cities WHERE city_code LIKE 'toulouse%'") :tuples)
(("39533" "toulouse le chateau" 39230 46.821901729 5.583200112 "jura" "39")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31100 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31300 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31400 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31500 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31000 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31200 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31"))

Schema-qualified names

Introduction to PostgreSQL schemas

A schema in PostgreSQL (and in the ANSI SQL standard) is a collection of tables, views, functions, constraints, indexes and sequences. PostgreSQL allows you to define multiple schemas in the same database, and different schemas can include datastructres (such as tables) with the same name. You can think of them as namespaces for tables.

Here is the hierarchy of names:

  • each PostgreSQL instance can have multiple databases;
  • each database can contain multiple schemas;
  • each schema can contain multiple tables (and views, functions and so on).

In SQL syntax you will use qualified names including a schema, such as myschema.mytable anywhere were you use a “normal” unqualified name mytable. Default objects created by the user are in the schema named public (this schema is not normally printed in query results because the current search_path includes public). Objects used internally by PostgreSQL are in system-defined schemas such as pg_catalog, pg_toast and information_schema.

The pg-el library represents schema-qualified names using pg-qualified-name objects, which are cl-defstruct objects. This means you can create them as follows:

(make-pg-qualified-name :schema "myschema" :name "mytable")

You can then use these objects anywhere you would use a normal table name, escaping special characters using pg-print-qualified-name. The pg-tables function will return normal string names for tables in the public namespace, and pg-qualified-name objects for tables in other namespaces.

Using schema-qualified names

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "SHOW search_path")))
         (pg-result res :tuple 0))
("\"$user\", public")
ELISP> (let ((res (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE SCHEMA custom")))
         (pg-result res :status))
ELISP> (let* ((qn (make-pg-qualified-name :schema "custom" :name "mytable"))
              (sql (format "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s(id INTEGER)"
                           (pg-print-qualified-name qn)))
              (res (pg-exec *pg* sql)))
         (pg-result res :status))
ELISP> (pg-tables *pg*)
("purchases" "customers" #s(pg-qualified-name :schema "custom" :name "mytable"))
;; We can use schema-qualified names as parameters for a prepared query.
ELISP> (let* ((qn (make-pg-qualified-name :schema "custom" :name "mytable"))
              (pqn (pg-print-qualified-name qn))
              (sql "SELECT pg_total_relation_size($1)")
              (res (pg-exec-prepared *pg* sql `((,pqn . "text")))))
         (pg-result res :tuple 0))

Error handling

Errors signaled by PostgreSQL will be converted into an Emacs Lisp error that subclasses pg-error. You can handle these errors as usual in Emacs Lisp, as shown in the example below.

Basic error handling

ELISP> (ignore-errors (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT ###"))
ELISP> (condition-case nil
           (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT ###")
         (pg-error 42))
42 (#o52, #x2a, ?*)

Some errors are converted into specific subclasses of pg-error, as listed below. We can discriminate the error category thanks to [PostgreSQL’s SQLSTATE support](See

Error classMeaning
pg-connection-errorConnection failure
pg-invalid-passwordInvalid password or authentication data
pg-feature-not-supportedPostgreSQL feature not supported
pg-syntax-errorSyntax error
pg-undefined-tableUndefined table
pg-undefined-columnUndefined column
pg-undefined-functionUndefined function
pg-copy-failedPostgreSQL COPY failed
pg-connect-timeoutPostgreSQL connection attempt timed out
pg-type-errorWhen serializing, an argument was of an unexpected type
pg-numeric-value-out-of-rangeNumeric value out of range
pg-division-by-zeroDivision by zero
pg-floating-point-exceptionFloating point exception
pg-array-subscript-errorArray subscript error
pg-datetime-field-overflowOverflow in a datetime field
pg-invalid-text-representationInvalid text representation
pg-invalid-binary-representationInvalid binary representation
pg-datatype-mismatchDatatype mismatch
pg-json-errorJSON-related error
pg-integrity-constraint-violationViolation of an integrity constraint
pg-restrict-violationRestrict violation
pg-not-null-violationViolation of a not NULL constraint
pg-foreign-key-violationViolation of a FOREIGN KEY constraint
pg-unique-violationViolation of a UNIQUE constraint
pg-check-violationViolation of a CHECK constraint
pg-exclusion-violationViolation of an exclusion constraint
pg-transaction-timeoutTransaction timeout
pg-insufficient-resourcesInsufficient resources on the backend server (eg. memory full)
pg-disk-fullDisk full on the backend server
pg-too-many-connectionsToo many connections to the backend
pg-internal-errorInternal error in the backend

You can undertake error handling for specific error categories as shown in the example below:

Differentiated error handling

ELISP> (condition-case nil
           (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 2147483649::int4")
         (pg-numeric-value-out-of-range (message "Numeric overflow"))
	 (pg-syntax-error (message "Syntax error"))
	 (pg-error (message "Generic error")))
"Numeric overflow"

Please note that some semi-compatible PostgreSQL variants do not implement fine-grained SQLSTATE error reporting, simply returning all errors as an “internal error” (this is the case of CrateDB in 2025-02, for example).

Special pg-el features

Handling parameter changes

The PostgreSQL backend informs connected clients when certain server parameters change, by sending them a special ParameterStatus message. These notifications are sent for GUC_REPORT parameters, which include the client_encoding, the DateStyle, TimeZone, server_encoding, in_hot_standby and is_superuser. You can register your interest in these messages by adding a handler function to pg-parameter-change-functions. Each of these handler functions will be called when such a message is received, with three arguments: the connection to PostgreSQL, the parameter name and the parameter value.

These messages are sent asynchronously.

Handling changes to session timezone

ELISP> (defun handle-tz-change (_con name value)
         (when (string= name "TimeZone")
           (message "New timezone in PostgreSQL is %s" value)))
ELISP> (cl-pushnew #'handle-tz-change pg-parameter-change-functions)
(handle-tz-change pg-handle-parameter-client-encoding)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SET SESSION TIME ZONE 'Europe/Paris'") :status)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SET SESSION TIME ZONE 'America/Chicago'") :status)

You should see either one or two messages announcing a parameter change (the first statement won’t generate a ParameterStatus message if the time zone was already set to Europe/Paris).

Handling asynchronous notifications

PostgreSQL has an asynchronous notification functionality based on the LISTEN and NOTIFY commands. A client can register its interest in a particular notification channel with the LISTEN command, and later stop listening with the UNLISTEN command. All clients listening on a particular channel will be notified asynchronously when a NOTIFY command with that channel name is executed by any client. A “payload” string can be passed to communicate additional data to the listeners. In pg-el you can register functions to be called when an asynchronous notification is received by adding them to the pg-handle-notice-functions. Each handler function is called with a single argument, the notice, in the form of a pgerror struct.

Looking out for DROP TABLE commands

PostgreSQL will signal an asynchronous notification for a DROP TABLE IF EXISTS command that attempts to remove a table that doesn’t exist, as a form of warning message. We can register our interest in this message by locally binding the pg-handle-notice-functions variable.

ELISP> (defun deity-p (notif)
         ;; the notification message will be localized, but should contain the table name
         (when (cl-search "deity" (pgerror-message notif))
           (message "Indeed")))
ELISP> (let ((pg-handle-notice-functions (list #'deity-p)))
         (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS deity") :status))

You should see the message in the minibuffer.


This example illustrates the use of NOTIFY and LISTEN. It’s obviously not very useful with a single client; real applications would involve multiple event consumers and possibly also multiple event producers. This functionality can be used to implement simple publish-subscribe communication patterns, with PostgreSQL serving as an event broker.

(cl-flet ((notification-handler (channel payload)
            (message "Async notification on %s: %s" channel payload)))
  (pg-add-notification-handler *pg* #'notification-handler)
  (pg-exec *pg* "LISTEN yourheart")
  (pg-exec *pg* "NOTIFY yourheart, 'foobles'")
  (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'ignored'")
  (pg-exec *pg* "NOTIFY yourheart, 'bazzles'")
  (sleep-for 10)
  (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'ignored'")
  (pg-exec *pg* "NOTIFY yourheart")
  (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'ignored'")
  ;; The function pg_notify is an alternative to the LISTEN statement, and more flexible if your
  ;; channel name is determined by a variable.
  (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT pg_notify('yourheart', 'leaving')")
  (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT 'ignored'")
  (pg-exec *pg* "UNLISTEN yourheart")
  (pg-exec *pg* "NOTIFY yourheart, 'Et redit in nihilum quod fuit ante nihil.'")))

The pg-el API

The entry points in the pg-el library are documented below.

(with-pg-connection con (dbname user [password host port]) &body body)

A macro which opens a TCP network connection to database DBNAME, executes the BODY forms then disconnects. See function pg-connect for details of the connection arguments.

(with-pg-connection-local con (path dbname user [password]) &body body)

A macro which opens a connection to database DBNAME over a local Unix socket at PATH, executes the BODY forms then disconnects. See function pg-connect-local for details of the connection arguments.

(with-pg-transaction con &body body)

A macro which executes the BODY forms wrapped in an SQL transaction. CON is a connection to the database. If an error occurs during the execution of the forms, a ROLLBACK instruction is executed.

(pg-connect dbname user [password host port tls-options]) -> con

Connect to the database DBNAME on HOST (defaults to localhost) at PORT (defaults to 5432) via TCP/IP and authenticate as USER with PASSWORD. This library currently supports SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication (the default method from PostgreSQL version 14 onwards), MD5 authentication and cleartext password authentication. This function also sets the output date type to ISO and initializes our type parser tables.

If tls-options is non-NIL, attempt to establish an encrypted connection to PostgreSQL by passing tls-options to Emacs function gnutls-negotiate. tls-options is a Common-Lisp style argument list of the form

(list :priority-string "NORMAL:-MD5" :trustfiles (list "/etc/company/RootCA.crt"))

To use client certificates to authenticate the TLS connection, use a value of TLS-OPTIONS of the form

`(list :keylist ((,key ,cert)))

where key is the filename of the client certificate private key and cert is the filename of the client certificate. These are passed to GnuTLS.

(pg-connect-local path dbname user [password]) -> con

Initiate a connection with the PostgreSQL backend over local Unix socket PATH. Connect to the database DBNAME with the username USER, providing PASSWORD if necessary. Returns a connection to the database (as an opaque type). PASSWORD defaults to an empty string.

(pg-exec con &rest sql) -> pgresult

Concatenate the SQL strings and send to the PostgreSQL backend over connection CON. Retrieve the information returned by the database and return it in an opaque record PGRESULT. The content of the pgresult should be accessed using the pg-result function.

(pg-exec-prepared con query typed-arguments &key (max-rows 0)) -> pgresult

Execute SQL query QUERY, which may include numbered parameters such as $1, $2 and so on, using PostgreSQL’s extended query protocol, on database connection CON. The TYPED-ARGUMENTS are a list of the form

'((42 . "int4") ("42" . "text"))

This query will return at most MAX-ROWS rows (a value of zero indicates no limit). It returns a pgresult structure (see function pg-result). This method is useful to reduce the risk of SQL injection attacks.

 (pg-result pgresult what &rest args) -> info

Extract information from the PGRESULT returned by pg-exec. The WHAT keyword can be one of

  • :connection: retrieve the database connection.

  • :status: a string returned by the backend to indicate the status of the command; it is something like “SELECT” for a select command, “DELETE 1” if the deletion affected a single row, etc.

  • :attributes: a list of tuples providing metadata: the first component of each tuple is the attribute’s name as a string, the second an integer representing its PostgreSQL type, and the third an integer representing the size of that type.

  • :tuples: all the data retrieved from the database, as a list of lists, each list corresponding to one row of data returned by the backend.

  • :tuple tuple-number: return a specific tuple (numbering starts at 0).

  • :incomplete: determine whether the set of tuples returned in this query set is incomplete, due to a suspended portal. If true, further tuples can be obtained by calling pg-fetch.

  • :oid: allows you to retrieve the OID returned by the backend if the command was an insertion. The OID is a unique identifier for that row in the database (this is PostgreSQL-specific; please refer to the documentation for more details).


(pg-fetch con result &key (max-rows 0))

Fetch pending rows from the suspended portal in RESULT on database connection CON. This query will retrieve at most MAX-ROWS rows (default value of zero means no limit). Returns a pgresult structure (see function pg-result). When used in multiple fetch situations (with the :max-rows parameter to pg-exec-prepared which allows you to retrieve large result sets incrementally), the same pgresult structure (initally returned by pg-exec-prepared) should be passed to each successive call to pg-fetch, because it contains column metainformation that is required to parse the incoming data. Each successive call to pg-fetch will return this pgresult structure with new tuples accessible via pg-result :tuples. When no more tuples are available, the :incomplete slot of the pgresult structure will be nil.

(pg-cancel con) -> nil

Ask the server to cancel the command currently being processed by the backend. The cancellation request concerns the command requested over database connection CON.

(pg-disconnect con) -> nil

Close the database connection CON.

(pg-for-each con select-form callback)

Calls CALLBACK on each tuple returned by SELECT-FORM. Declares a cursor for SELECT-FORM, then fetches tuples using repeated executions of FETCH 1, until no results are left. The cursor is then closed. The work is performed within a transaction. When you have a large amount of data to handle, this usage is more efficient than fetching all the tuples in one go.

If you wish to browse the results, each one in a separate buffer, you could have the callback insert each tuple into a buffer created with (generate-new-buffer "myprefix"), then use ibuffer’s “/ n” to list/visit/delete all buffers whose names match myprefix.

(pg-databases con) -> list of strings

Return a list of the databases available over PostgreSQL connection CON. A database is a set of tables; in a fresh PostgreSQL installation there is a single database named “template1”.

(pg-schemas con) -> list of strings

Return the list of the schemas in the PostgreSQL server to which we are connected with CON. Schemas are a form of namespace, which can contain elements such as tables, sequences, indexes and views. The default schema name is public.

(pg-tables con) -> list of strings

Return a list of the tables present in the database to which we are currently connected over CON. Only include user tables: system tables are not included in this list.

(pg-columns con table) -> list of strings

Return a list of the columns (or attributes) in TABLE, which must be a table in the database to which we are connected over CON. We only include the column names; if you want more detailed information (attribute types, for example), it can be obtained from pg-result on a SELECT statement for that table.

(pg-hstore-setup con)

Prepare for the use of HSTORE datatypes over database connection CON. This function must be called before using the HSTORE extension. It loads the extension if necessary, and sets up the parsing support for HSTORE datatypes.

(pg-vector-setup con)

Prepare for the use of VECTOR datatypes from the pgvector extension over database connection CON. This function must be called before using the pgvector extension. It loads the extension if necessary, and sets up the parsing support for vector datatypes.

(pg-lo-create con . args) -> oid

Create a new large object (BLOB, or binary large object in other DBMSes parlance) in the database to which we are connected via CON. Returns an OID (which is represented as an elisp integer) which will allow you to use the large object. Optional ARGS are a Unix-style mode string which determines the permissions of the newly created large object, one of “r” for read-only permission, “w” for write-only, “rw” for read+write. Default is “r”.

Large-object functions MUST be used within a transaction (see the macro with-pg-transaction).

(pg-lo-open con oid . args) -> fd

Open a large object whose unique identifier is OID (an elisp integer) in the database to which we are connected via CON. Optional ARGS is a Unix-style mode string as for pg-lo-create; which defaults to “r” read-only permissions. Returns a file descriptor (an elisp integer) which can be used in other large-object functions.

(pg-lo-close con fd)

Close the file descriptor FD which was associated with a large object. Note that this does not delete the large object; use pg-lo-unlink for that.

(pg-lo-read con fd bytes) -> string

Read BYTES from the file descriptor FD which is associated with a large object. Return an elisp string which should be BYTES characters long.

(pg-lo-write con fd buf)

Write the bytes contained in the elisp string BUF to the large object associated with the file descriptor FD.

(pg-lo-lseek con fd offset whence)

Do the equivalent of a lseek(2) on the file descriptor FD which is associated with a large object; i.e. reposition the read/write file offset for that large object to OFFSET (an elisp integer). WHENCE has the same significance as in lseek(); it should be one of SEEK_SET (set the offset to the absolute position), SEEK_CUR (set the offset relative to the current offset) or SEEK_END (set the offset relative to the end of the file). WHENCE should be an elisp integer whose values can be obtained from the header file <unistd.h> (probably 0, 1 and 2 respectively).

(pg-lo-tell con oid) -> integer

Do the equivalent of an ftell(3) on the file associated with the large object whose unique identifier is OID. Returns the current position of the file offset for the object’s associated file descriptor, as an elisp integer.

(pg-lo-unlink con oid)

Remove the large object whose unique identifier is OID from the system. In the current implementation of large objects in PostgreSQL, each large object is associated with an object in the filesystem.

(pg-lo-import con filename) -> oid

Create a new large object and initialize it to the data contained in the file whose name is FILENAME. Returns an OID (as an elisp integer). Note that this operation is only syntactic sugar around the basic large-object operations listed above.

(pg-lo-export con oid filename)

Create a new file named FILENAME and fill it with the contents of the large object whose unique identifier is OID. This operation is also syntactic sugar.

Variable pg-parameter-change-functions is a list of handlers to be called when the backend informs us of a parameter change, for example a change to the session time zone. Each handler is called with three arguments: the connection to the backend, the parameter name and the parameter value. It is initially set to a function that looks out for client_encoding messages and updates the value recorded in the connection.

Variable pg-handle-notice-functions is a list of handlers to be called when the backend sends us a NOTICE message. Each handler is called with one argument, the notice, as a pgerror struct.

Boolean variable pg-disable-type-coercion can be set to non-nil (before initiating a connection) to disable the library’s type coercion facility. Default is t.

Security note

Setting up PostgreSQL to accept TCP/IP connections has security implications; please consult the documentation for details. It is possible to use the port forwarding capabilities of ssh to establish a connection to the backend over TCP/IP, which provides both a secure authentication mechanism and encryption (and optionally compression) of data passing through the tunnel. Here’s how to do it (thanks to Gene Selkov, Jr. for the description):

  1. Establish a tunnel to the backend machine, like this:

    ssh -L 3333:backend.dom:5432 postgres@backend.dom

    The first number in the -L argument, 3333, is the port number of your end of the tunnel. The second number, 5432, is the remote end of the tunnel – the port number your backend is using. The name or the address in between the port numbers belongs to the server machine, as does the last argument to ssh that also includes the optional user name. Without the user name, ssh will try the name you are currently logged on as on the client machine. You can use any user name the server machine will accept, not necessarily those related to postgres.

  2. Now that you have a running ssh session, you can point pg.el to the local host at the port number which you specified in step 1. For example,

     (pg-connect "dbname" "user" "password" "localhost" 3333)

    You can omit the port argument if you chose 5432 as the local end of the tunnel, since pg.el defaults to this value.

Your feedback

Bug reports should be filed as issues on our GitHub project page.

Pull requests are also welcome!