The COPY protocol

The COPY protocol can be used to send and receive large amounts of data to/from PostgreSQL. It can be used with CSV or TSV data.

From Emacs to PostgreSQL

The pg-el library allows you to COPY from an Emacs buffer into PostgreSQL using function pg-copy-from-buffer, as illustrated below.

Inserting tab-separated data

ELISP> (defun ascii (n) (+ ?A (mod n 26)))
ELISP> (defun random-word () 
          (apply #'string (cl-loop for count to 10 collect (+ ?a (random 26)))))
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE copy_tsv(a INTEGER, b CHAR, c TEXT)") :status)
ELISP> (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *pg-copy-temp-tsv*")))
         (with-current-buffer buf
           (dotimes (i 42)
             (insert (format "%d\t%c\t%s\n" i (ascii i) (random-word)))))
         (pg-result (pg-copy-from-buffer *pg* "COPY copy_tsv(a,b,c) FROM STDIN" buf) :status))
"COPY 84"
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM copy_tsv") :tuple 0)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT * FROM copy_tsv LIMIT 5") :tuples)
((0 "A" "ufyhdnkoyfi")
 (1 "B" "jpnlxbftdpm")
 (2 "C" "lqvazrhesdg")
 (3 "D" "epxkjdsfdpg")
 (4 "E" "yjhgdwjzbvt"))

Inserting comma-separated data (CSV)

The use of CSV formatted data is very similar; you simply need to specify WITH (FORMAT CSV) in the COPY statement.

ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE copy_csv (a INT2, b INTEGER, c CHAR, d TEXT)") :status)
ELISP> (let ((buf (get-buffer-create " *pg-copy-temp-csv*")))
         (with-current-buffer buf
           (dotimes (i 1000)
             (insert (format "%d,%d,%c,%s\n" i (* i i) (ascii i) (random-word)))))
         (pg-result (pg-copy-from-buffer *pg* "COPY copy_csv(a,b,c,d) FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV)" buf) :status))
"COPY 1000"
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT * FROM copy_csv LIMIT 3") :tuples)
((0 0 "A" "ajoskqunbrx")
 (1 1 "B" "pzmoyefgywu")
 (2 4 "C" "blylbnhnrdb"))

From PostgreSQL to Emacs

You can copy from PostgreSQL into an Emacs buffer using the function pg-copy-to-buffer, as illustrated below.

Dumping a PostgreSQL table into an Emacs buffer as CSV

ELISP> (let ((res (pg-copy-to-buffer *pg* "COPY copy_csv TO STDOUT WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER TRUE)"
                                     (get-buffer-create "*pg-csv*"))))
          (pg-result res :status))
"COPY 1000"

The following more verbose example illustrates fetching CSV data from an online source, importing it into PostgreSQL, removing some unneeded columns and querying the data.

Fetching and querying online CSV datasets

ELISP> (with-temp-buffer
         (url-insert-file-contents "")
         (pg-exec *pg* "CREATE TABLE cities(
              insee_code TEXT NOT NULL,
              city_code TEXT,
              zip_code NUMERIC,
              label TEXT NOT NULL,
              latitude FLOAT,
              longitude FLOAT,
              department_name TEXT,
              department_number VARCHAR(3),
              region_name TEXT,
              region_geojson_name TEXT)")
         (pg-result (pg-copy-from-buffer *pg* "COPY cities FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT CSV, DELIMITER ',', HEADER TRUE)"
                                 (current-buffer)) :status))
"COPY 39145"
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "ALTER TABLE cities DROP COLUMN region_name") :status)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "ALTER TABLE cities DROP COLUMN region_geojson_name") :status)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "ALTER TABLE cities DROP COLUMN label") :status)
ELISP> (pg-result (pg-exec *pg* "SELECT * FROM cities WHERE city_code LIKE 'toulouse%'") :tuples)
(("39533" "toulouse le chateau" 39230 46.821901729 5.583200112 "jura" "39")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31100 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31300 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31400 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31500 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31000 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31")
 ("31555" "toulouse" 31200 43.596037953 1.432094901 "haute-garonne" "31"))