
License: GPL v3 MELPA test-pgv16

This Emacs Lisp library lets you access the PostgreSQL 🐘 database from Emacs, using its network-level frontend/backend protocol. The library is capable of automatic type coercions from a range of SQL types to and from the equivalent Emacs Lisp type.

This libary will be useful for developers, rather than end users. If you’re looking for an Emacs-based browser/editor for PostgreSQL, you may be interested in PGmacs, which uses this library to communicate with PostgreSQL or a compatible database.

Supported features

  • SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication (the default method since PostgreSQL version 14) as well as MD5 and password authentication.

  • Encrypted (TLS) connections between Emacs and the PostgreSQL backend. This includes support for client certificates.

  • Prepared statements using PostgreSQL’s extended query message flow, that allows for parameterized queries to protect from SQL injection issues.

  • The PostgreSQL COPY protocol to copy preformatted data to PostgreSQL from an Emacs buffer.

  • Asynchronous handling of LISTEN/NOTIFY notification messages from PostgreSQL, allowing the implementation of publish-subscribe type architectures (PostgreSQL as an “event broker” or “message bus” and Emacs as event publisher and consumer).

  • Parsing various PostgreSQL types including integers, floats, array types, numerical ranges, JSON and JSONB objects into their native Emacs Lisp equivalents. The parsing support is user-extensible. Support for the HSTORE, pgvector and PostGIS extensions.

  • Connections over TCP or (on Unix machines) a local Unix socket.

The code has been tested with PostgreSQL versions 17.4, 16.3, 15.4, 13.8, 11.17, and 10.22 on Linux. It is also tested via GitHub actions on MacOS and Microsoft Windows. This library also works, to a variable extent, against other databases that implement the PostgreSQL wire protocol:

  • Neon “serverless PostgreSQL” works perfectly.

  • ParadeDB version 0.9.1 works perfectly (it’s really a PostgreSQL extension rather than a distinct database implementation).

  • IvorySQL version 3.4 works perfectly (this fork of PostgreSQL adds some features for compatibility with Oracle).

  • The CitusDB extension for sharding PostgreSQL over multiple hosts works perfectly (last tested with Citus version 12.1.5, which is based on PostgreSQL 16.6).

  • The Microsoft DocumentDB extension for MongoDB-like queries works perfectly (last tested 2025-02 with version 16.6). Note that this is not the same product as Amazon DocumentDB.

  • The Hydra Columnar extension for column-oriented storage and parallel queries works perfectly (last tested 2025-02).

  • The Timescale DB extension for time series data works perfectly (tested with version 2.16.1).

  • The PgBouncer connection pooler for PostgreSQL works fine (tested with version 1.23 in the default session pooling mode).

  • Google AlloyDB Omni is a proprietary fork of PostgreSQL with Google-developed extensions, including a columnar storage extension, adaptive autovacuum, and an index advisor. It works perfectly with pg-el as of 2025-01.

  • ParadeDB: This ElasticSearch alternative is very PostgreSQL-compatible (more of an extension than a reimplementation). Tested with the Dockerhub instance which is based on PostgreSQL 16.3. All tests pass.

  • Xata “serverless PostgreSQL” has many limitations including lack of support for CREATE DATABASE, CREATE COLLATION, for XML processing, for temporary tables, for cursors, for EXPLAIN, for CREATE EXTENSION, for functions such as pg_notify.

  • YugabyteDB: tested against version 2.23. This database uses a lot of code from PostgreSQL 11 and is quite compatible, including with the HSTORE and pgvector extensions. However, some system tables differ from PostgreSQL, such as the pg_sequences table. It does not support the XML type. It does not support LISTEN/NOTIFY.

  • The RisingWave event streaming database is mostly working. It does not support GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY columns. Last tested 2025-02 with v2.1.2.

  • CrateDB: last tested 2025-02 with version 5.9.9. There are limitations in this database’s emulation of the PostgreSQL system tables: for example, it’s not possible to query the owner of a table (function pg-table-owner). It doesn’t accept SQL statements that only include an SQL comment. It doesn’t support setting comments on SQL tables. As documented, CrateDB does not support the TIME type without a time zone. It doesn’t support casting integers to bits. It doesn’t support the VARBIT type. It has no support for the COPY protocol.

  • CockroachDB: tested with CockroachDB CCL v24.3. Note that this database does not implement the large object functionality, and its interpretation of SQL occasionally differs from that of PostgreSQL. It is currently reporting an internal error when we call pg-table-comment.

  • QuestDB: tested against version 6.5.4. This is not very PostgreSQL-compatible: it fails on the SQL query SELECT 1::integer because it doesn’t recognize integer as a type. It doesn’t support DELETE statements.

  • Google Spanner: tested with the Spanner emulator (that reports itself as PostgreSQL 14.1) and the PGAdapter library that enables support for the PostgreSQL wire protocol. Spanner has very limited PostgreSQL compatibility, for example refusing to create tables that do not have a primary key. It does not recognize basic PostgreSQL types such as INT2. It also does not for example support the CHR and MD5 functions, row expressions, and WHERE clauses without a FROM clause.

  • YDB by Yandex last tested with version 23-4. Has very limited PostgreSQL compatibility. For example, an empty query string leads to a hung connection, and the bit type is returned as a string with the wrong oid.

  • The Materialize operational database (a proprietary differential dataflow database) has many limitations in its PostgreSQL compatibility: no support for primary keys, unique constraints, check constraints, for the bit type for example. It works with these limitations with pg-el (last tested 2025-02 with Materialize v0.133).

  • ClickHouse doesn’t work with pg-el. Their version 24.5 has a very basic implementation of the PostgreSQL wire protocol. It doesn’t support the pg_type system table which provides information on the OIDs associated with different PostgreSQL types. All values are returned in textual format using the pseudo-OID of 0, which means the client must parse the value. The database immediately closes the connection on any SQL error. It doesn’t support configuration statements such as SET datestyle. It doesn’t specify a server_name in the startup sequence, which might allow us to detect this special case and restrict functionality to the most basic aspects.

  • GreptimeDB version 0.9.5 implements quite a lot of the PostgreSQL wire protocol, but the names it uses for types in the pg_catalog.pg_types table are not the same as those used by PostgreSQL (e.g. Int64 instead of int8), so our parsing machinery does not work.

  • Untested but likely to work: Amazon RDS, Google Cloud SQL, Azure Database for PostgreSQL, Amazon Auroa. You may however encounter difficulties with TLS connections, as noted above.

The generic function pg-do-variant-specific-setup allows you to specify setup operations to run for a particular semi-compatible PostgreSQL variant. You can specialize it on the symbol name of the variant, currently one of postgresql, alloydb, cratedb, cockroachdb, yugabyte, questdb, greptimedb, risingwave, immudb, timescaledb, ydb, orioledb, xata, spanner, ivorydb. As an example, the following specializer is already defined to run for AlloyDB variants:

;; Register the OIDs associated with these OmniDB-specific types, so that their types appear in
;; column metadata listings.
(cl-defmethod pg-do-variant-specific-setup ((con pgcon) (_variant (eql 'alloydb)))
  (message "pg-el: running variant-specific setup for AlloyDB Omni")
  ;; These type names are in the google_ml schema
  (pg-register-parser "model_family_type" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "model_family_info" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "model_provider" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "model_type" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "auth_type" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "auth_info" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-register-parser "models" #'pg-text-parser)
  (pg-initialize-parsers con))

Tested with Emacs versions 30-pre-release, 29.4, 28.2, 27.2 and 26.3. Emacs versions older than 26.1 will not work against a recent PostgreSQL version (whose default configuration requires SCRAM-SHA-256 authentication), because they don’t include the GnuTLS support which we use to calculate HMACs. They may however work against a database set up to allow unauthenticated local connections. Emacs versions before 28.1 will not support the extended query protocol, because the bindat package is required. We mostly test with Emacs on Linux, but the library also works fine on Microsoft Windows and MacOS.

You may be interested in an alternative library emacs-libpq that enables access to PostgreSQL from Emacs by binding to the libpq library.


pg-el is free software distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL v3 or later.