
You can install via the MELPA package archive, or with package-vc-install, or with use-package.

Installing via MELPA

Install via the MELPA package archive by including the following in your Emacs initialization file (.emacs.el or init.el):

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)

then saying

 M-x package-install RET pg

Installing with package-vc-install

With Emacs 29, you can install the library from the latest Github revision (this requires git to be installed) using:

 (unless (package-installed-p 'pg)
    (package-vc-install "" nil nil 'pg))

You can later update to the latest version with M-x package-vc-upgrade RET pg RET.

Installing with use-package

If you prefer to use the use-package macro, which is built in to Emacs 29, you can use (requires git to be installed):

(use-package pg :vc (:url ""))